Sunday, April 18, 2010

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

an interlude

The last week has been finals for me - I didn't even leave the house. Here is the best photo from the week. Back to regular photos after this :)

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Day 53 - Pi Day!

In honor of Pi day 2010 (3.14.2010) I give you a cute little kitty pie!  Granted he is crust-less in this picture, but he does love the box-crust as you can see!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Day 52 - around home

Today I took a nice walk around where I live. The bird of paradise stood out, and here are some runners up.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Day 51 - a new day

Payday Friday, and another day of writing finals.  Got up early and went out for a little breakfast with the hubby before work. I was captivated by the umbrellas - little splashes of color, and the curve of the awning.

It was beautiful out - 66 and sunny, but for some reason the IHOP had the heat on! So we sat outside, only to find the patio heaters on.  This is peculiarity of San Diego. Tucson had mild winters too, but cold nights. Perhaps that is why we Arizonans still have enough hardiness to find 66 degrees in the sun warm enough.

Looks to be a lovely day.

Highlights of the missing 50 days.

Note: Sorry readers, you will have to resubscribe to following this page :(  darn hackers.

Where did January and February go?

Gracious Readers:

You may notice some missing photos and posts. I am sorry to say that contained in my 365 day countdown clock gadget was some malware designed to redirect from this website to an add page. You may have noticed the redirecting. The only way to get rid of this malware was to either get rid of all my gadgets or delete the entire page.  After several hours of staring at code trying to eliminate the offending gadget (it redirects before you can delete) I have given up and deleted my previous blog. The post after this will include some highlight photos of the previous 50 days.  I did manage to maintain the same URL so at least we have that.

The lesson in all this - be careful what widgets and gadgets you add. Some of them are just made to get ya :(